xDX is a collection, a project, and a research network that brings together scholars, curators, archivists, ontologists, data analysts, and designers dedicated to
documenting and preserving Canada’s unique design heritage. The goal of the project is to create a linked open data resource, the xDX ResearchSpace, to enhance public awareness, knowledge, and appreciation of modern Canadian design history.
Led by Principal Investigator
Jan Hadlaw and Co-Director
Michael Windover and funded by
Social Science and Humanities Research Council Partnership Development Grant, xDX partners include the inheritors of the former DX collection––the
Canadian Museum of History (CMH),
Archives of Ontario (AO),
York University, and
Carleton University––and infrastructure partners––the
Linked Infrastructure for Networked Cultural Scholarship (LINCS, University of Guelph), and the
Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN). The xDX network continues to evolve and to expand its community of participants and collaborators from diverse communities, professions, and institutions.
xDX Project is committed to
activating and remediating Canada’s design heritage by encouraging critical approaches that account for what and who is included and excluded from its histories. We seek to
foster connections between design scholars, researchers, and practitioners, as well as members of the public. The project is guided by values of
open access, acknowledgement, sustainability, and equity.